Monday, September 22, 2008

get down with the sickness.

I am ill. This does *not* amuse me.

Sidenote: I was, overall, very impressed with the Heroes premiere this evening. Its been a long time coming; 9 long months since we had any new material, even longer since we had any material that could be considered above mediocre.

The one problem I have: Okay, so I get it; when her fight or flight response engages, Black Death Tears Girl Mya's power appears. Mohinder comes to the conclusion that adrenaline is the trigger in Mya (and in everyone; adrenaline is the key to the super powers). He injects himself, becomes super awesome (and a beefcake), and they have amazing superhero sex. (Implied off screen, of course.)
The problem I have is this: about 2 years ago, Jason Statham (Transporter badass) starred in a movie about a guy who needs to keep his adrenaline levels high or he'll die. (I know....I really should write movie reviews/recaps professionally, they're so captivating!) He does this in a wide variety of ways: running from the cops, shooting things, and having sex with hot chicks. Unfortunately, the same chemicals that make us excited when we're scared are also the chemicals that make us excited when we....well, you get the picture. So, in theory, wouldn't any suitor of Mya's be victim of the Black Tears of Death as well, even if she was being adrenalized in a good way?

Yes. I do realize what the previous rant says about my personality and extracurricular interests. :)

Best quote from tonight's premiere of The Big Bang Theory: "I've got more nervous tics than a Lyme disease research facility."

I love Geek TV.

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