Wednesday, October 29, 2008

in which she describes insanity.

Favorite Moment of the Day: The woman in front of me in line at the post office today had very short hair and was decked out in a purple Minnesota Vikings sweatshirt and matching yellow baseball hat. After I purchased my stamps for my irregularly shaped envelopes (Halloween cards, of course!), I watched the Lady Vikings fan climb into a black PT Cruiser. The stereo on the vehicle was cranked so loud I could fully recognize Gwen Stefani's "Rich Girl" as I passed on the sidewalk. My favorite part of this scene? The little girl in the front seat, about 12 years old with some of the chubbiest cheeks I've ever seen, dancing and singing along like there was no tomorrow/like this was her American Idol audition. I absolutely love unchecked enthusiasm.

Runner Up: Coming home to find the squirrels diligently eating my decorative indian corn. I yelled at them. They challenged me with their eyes. I put pepper on my faux-cornucopia. I win. For now.

Honorable Mention: For my trip to the post office, I kind of dressed like a flamboyant hobo. :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Todd Palin Show

Every now and again, conversations between myself and KK lead to ideas we would like to see put forth on television. Previous pitches include:

Wild Dinner: Impossible
Uniting chef Robert Irvine of Dinner: Impossible with Bear Grylls of Man vs. Wild. Robert has to construct a gourmet meal for approximately 400 people in a short amount of time out of items Bear locates after they have been purposefully stranded on an island/in the mountains/etc.

Sportstime with Samantha
Lots of talk about the "third plate line" and reminders as to the rules of football.

The Fanboy Next Door
A no-frills cooking show. Hosted by someone like Harry Knowles, but much less successful and extroverted. Easy meals that can be constructed and consumed without ceasing your current quest in World of Warcraft and/or Star Wars marathon (Original trilogy only, of course.)

Latest pitch:

The Todd Palin Show
(Inspired by Jason Sudekis' latest portrayal of Mr. Palin during SNL 2 weeks ago. The Todd Palin Show would cover the obvious topics (ice fishing bait & tackle, proper hunting apparel selection, jerky recipies) and also feature culturall relevant debates (Artic Cat vs. Skidoo, bow hunting vs. rifle hunting vs. musket hunting). TTPS would air either on the Outdoor Network or PBS, preferably paired with the fishing show hosted by former Minnesota Twins player, Kent Hrbek.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

like herpes....

....but for positive!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

i have a wide variety of sources.

A small part of me feels bad for posting this. Because its a little like the questions that children trap each other with (I, for example, have a terribly embarrassing story about the confusion between Christain/Catholic/Lutheran). But then I remember she's an adult and the outcome is a little more serious than, "Who will I sit with at the lunch table?"