Thursday, November 20, 2008

she came out west to find the sun...

So, Olivia tagged me with this meme, and of course, I have no self control and must complete it immediately.  That being said, some trivia before we get going.....

Number of Items in Itunes Library:  4363
Days of Constant Play (if attempted): 11.2
Approximately 17.6 GBs

Now, on to the show...

Step 1: Put your music player on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4:  Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly (No lyric hunting! That is cheating! Boo to cheating!)

**Final Comments**  
1.) Any instrumental pieces will be listed where they came in the playlist, but I won't ask you to guess them. :)  
2.) Its quite possible I won't know some of the stuff that comes up.  I collect a lot of music, but keep a small portion on frequent rotation.  (It's like clothes really, you wear 80% of what you own, 20% of the time.) 
3.) My ipod & computer have a penchant for Christmas music.  It cannot be explained.
4.) (Knowing who reads this) You're probably not going to believe me when I say this, but I'm a bit of an emo kid. XD


1.  Paper bags and plastic hearts
2.  Far past these roads, there is a place
3.  Hey hey, if we can find a way out of these problems
4.  When I die and they lay me to rest
5.  We're gonna go to the club and get crump with Britney!
6.  My baby don't mess around because she loves me so
7.  Save me from this prison, Lord help me get away
8.  No one told me the right way, the right way to go about this
9.  Lift me up, take me high
10. Hundreds of miles, yeah you cry like a baby
11. She got outta town, on a railway New York bound
12. When are ya gonna come down
13. Welcome friends, to Janice's party
14.  Echo, echo, we come and we go
15.  I remember, I was small, seeing Santa at the mall
16.  Angels we have heard on high
17.  I see the way he treats you
18.  Flirting with disaster
19.  Raindrops and roses and whiskers on kittens!
20.  I was gonna spell it out, in detail but
**Instrumental Bonus: "I Miss You" by Incubus, as done by the Vitamin String Quartet**
21.  Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks
22.  From time to time, I have regrets
23.  Uptown walks in the afternoon
**Mash-up Bonus: The Quiet Screaming - Legion of Doom ("The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows" by Brand New vs. "Screaming Infidelities" by Dashboard Confessional) **  
24. Have yourself a merry little Christmas
25. I've been here before, a few times
**Cuz I Love It Bonus: I keep a close watch on this heart of mine**

Parting Note: Entry title is the opening line of my favorite song.  Ever. 

LOLcat overdrive.

Two of my favorite things, together at last:


funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

for olivia.

Everclear - Santa Baby

I couldn't resist. :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

holy geek out, batman!

Things I have done this afternoon:

1) Searched on ebay for various treasures from Comic-Con 2007 & 2008.
2) Which led to.....coveting the Comic-Con exclusive My Little Ponys from 2007 & 2008.
3) Thought about attending Comic-Con 2009.
4) Thought about how that means I'd have to miss Governor's School.
5) Wikipedia'd various elements of the Whedonverse.
6) Been reminded why I love the 3 rising sci-fi director/writer/producers of our time:  Bryan Fuller, Joss Whedon, J.J. Abrams. (Honorable mention: Barry Sonnenfeld)
7) Become giddy at the thought of the new Star Trek trailer that will be attached to Quantum of Solace in T-Minus 4 days.
8) Watched the shiny new-ish Dollhouse trailer.
9) Considered why FOX seems to hate the Whedonverse, even though they keep greenlighting Joss' shows, only to banish them to the Friday Night Television Slot of Death.   (*mini, slightly morbid, TWSS)
10) Embedded the Dollhouse trailer, for your enjoyment:

I am just that cool.

Editorial Mini-Rant:  Of all the new shows that were considered and subsiquently greenlit for the 2008-2009 season, Dollhouse was the one that I was hands down, most excited about, simply from the AICN description I read nearly a year ago.  I was not happy when I heard it wasn't even given a first-run chance; instead being banished to a mid-season premiere.  

I became increasingly annoyed reading about all the rewrites, which eventually lead to the complete revamping of the original first episode. (This has subsequently been pushed to episode #2, with a new episode #1 taking its place.)  All of this messing with the orginal plan scares me, because it is eerily reminiscent of the path taken by Firefly before it even premiered.  (One of the biggest TV exec missteps ever, not unlike by the unnecessary meddling and format change that led to the cancellation of Veronica Mars.)

Friday night is where television goes to die; it takes a lot to succeed in any timeslot.  Dollhouse was originally supposed to be the lead-in for the new season of 24.  (Which, BTW, seems like an odd pairing, but maybe thats just because I don't *get* 24.  I think it would be way better matched with Fringe (which was paired with House....WTF?); arguably the best new show of 2008 and the most traditional mainstream network sci-fi we've seen in a long while. (Parallel question:  What makes geek-friendly shows like LOST and Fringe inspire mainstream audience confience, yet just as geeky shows like Pushing Daisies, Reaper, & Firefly flouder and struggle to stay alive?) I'm hoping this is some major act of anti-counter-programming, because nothing else worthwhile ever shows on Fridays (for reasons listed above), but I doubt it. Can FOX kill Dollhouse in the same manner with which they killed Firefly (and to a much lesser extent, Sliders)?  I hope not.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You just got Rick Rolled!

Best. Rick Roll. Ever.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

voter? i don't even know her!

I went for Hillary in the primaries.
I was voter #1549 at my polling location, around 1:30pm.
I was exit polled.
The middle school election went for McCain; by about 300 votes.
I moved from a slightly blue county in a red state to a very red county in a very blue state.

Chris Matthews Quotes of the Evening:
Sarah Palin scared the bejeezus out of a lot of pro-choice women in that state.
Nancy Pelosi can ram through whatever she wants.

MSNBC Pundit Honerable Mention:
Keith Olbermann discussing how nice the floor was at the less-than-busy Alaskan polling location via sattelite.

Election Night Pick-Up Line:
Hey baby, can I turn your red state blue?

Biggest Letdown:
I was really excited when I learned a few days ago North Dakota went from "lean McCain" to "toss-up;" this was really a signal of something big in the homestate. Sadly, ND did not come through in the end. Regardless, I think progress is being made.

Monday, November 3, 2008


A) Today online I stumbled upon the trailer for a new film called Slumdog Millionaire. Simply put, I am absolutely in love, even before seeing it. Description lifted from imdb: "Jamal Malik is an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is just one question away from winning 20 million rupees on India's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" Bu when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating. Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their adventures together, and of the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show's questions."

If this plays out even partially like I imagine it in my mind, this is going to be a wonderful, wonderful film. I've enjoyed Danny Boyle's work in the past, and the colors from the trailer are beautiful and deep (in a way, the colors in the trailer remind me of the trailer for My Blueberry Nights (which I'm ashamed to say I still haven't seen) and, in a way I can't explain, the trailer for Punch-Drunk Love.)

B) The Big Bang Theory Quote of the Episode: "Forks are for eating, tridents are for ruling the Seven Seas."

C) Like most people, I definitely welcome the "fall back" part of Daylight Savings Time. However, I think this year has been my most difficult transition. Sure, its finally light out when I got to work now, but the sun is long-gone by 5:30pm. (Let's hear it for the northern latitudes! :P) So, this early darkness, paired with the record highs we've had the past few days (Minneapolis-St. Paul hit 74 degrees today, which is a record), has me all confused. Not to worry, there are fluffy flakes forcasted for Friday evening, so I should be in the winter mindset in no time. :)

And finally...
D) I grew up in very small town ND. Population around 2500, graduated with 57 in my class, etc. My mom still buys me a subscription to the town paper because she thinks I need to stay informed. Usually, there's not really anything of consequence in it, but its nice to stay up-to-date on the gossip. :) This week, one of the major articles was about the 12th grade Government class at the high school. Each election year, Ms. M coordinates an mock election. The four parties running for various "offices" are described within the article, and I just wanted to share them with everyone, since you do not have the privildge of reading The Independent yourself. Enjoy the following text, copied directly from the second half of the article:

The first party is called The Redneck Party. Their issues of concern include ending the war in Iraq, lowering the drinking age to 18, no speed limit on the interstate, gun control and lowering gas prices to $2.00 a gallon.
Another party on the ballot is The Pants Party. Some of the issues of concern for The Pants Party are to stop supporting other countries, conserving oil, removing the two-party system, off-shore drilling, preseving wildlife and free medical attention for the critically ill.
The third party on the ballot is The Rock Star Party. Their issues of concern are lowering the drinking age to 19, knocking the school week down to four days, removing troops from Iraq, stopping payments to Native Americans and cap gas prices at $3.00 per gallon.
Finally there is the GPC Party. Their issues of concern include overturning the Roe v. Wade decision, gas prices, placing a ban on gay marriage, creating affordable health care and bringing troops home.

If I ever doubted why I desperately wanted to leave my hometown during high school, I think it all just came flooding back to me. I'm really looking forward to comments on the last point, I really really am.