If this plays out even partially like I imagine it in my mind, this is going to be a wonderful, wonderful film. I've enjoyed Danny Boyle's work in the past, and the colors from the trailer are beautiful and deep (in a way, the colors in the trailer remind me of the trailer for My Blueberry Nights (which I'm ashamed to say I still haven't seen) and, in a way I can't explain, the trailer for Punch-Drunk Love.)
B) The Big Bang Theory Quote of the Episode: "Forks are for eating, tridents are for ruling the Seven Seas."
C) Like most people, I definitely welcome the "fall back" part of Daylight Savings Time. However, I think this year has been my most difficult transition. Sure, its finally light out when I got to work now, but the sun is long-gone by 5:30pm. (Let's hear it for the northern latitudes! :P) So, this early darkness, paired with the record highs we've had the past few days (Minneapolis-St. Paul hit 74 degrees today, which is a record), has me all confused. Not to worry, there are fluffy flakes forcasted for Friday evening, so I should be in the winter mindset in no time. :)
And finally...
D) I grew up in very small town ND. Population around 2500, graduated with 57 in my class, etc. My mom still buys me a subscription to the town paper because she thinks I need to stay informed. Usually, there's not really anything of consequence in it, but its nice to stay up-to-date on the gossip. :) This week, one of the major articles was about the 12th grade Government class at the high school. Each election year, Ms. M coordinates an mock election. The four parties running for various "offices" are described within the article, and I just wanted to share them with everyone, since you do not have the privildge of reading The Independent yourself. Enjoy the following text, copied directly from the second half of the article:
The first party is called The Redneck Party. Their issues of concern include ending the war in Iraq, lowering the drinking age to 18, no speed limit on the interstate, gun control and lowering gas prices to $2.00 a gallon.
Another party on the ballot is The Pants Party. Some of the issues of concern for The Pants Party are to stop supporting other countries, conserving oil, removing the two-party system, off-shore drilling, preseving wildlife and free medical attention for the critically ill.
The third party on the ballot is The Rock Star Party. Their issues of concern are lowering the drinking age to 19, knocking the school week down to four days, removing troops from Iraq, stopping payments to Native Americans and cap gas prices at $3.00 per gallon.
Finally there is the GPC Party. Their issues of concern include overturning the Roe v. Wade decision, gas prices, placing a ban on gay marriage, creating affordable health care and bringing troops home.
If I ever doubted why I desperately wanted to leave my hometown during high school, I think it all just came flooding back to me. I'm really looking forward to comments on the last point, I really really am.
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