Sunday, December 14, 2008

i just love a good Mexican standoff....

I've secret always wanted to throw a party like the one they did on Gilmore Girls. (No, not the all-night, 50s themed dance marathon. Though that would be fun.) I would absolutely love to throw a party where everyone came dressed as their favorite Quentin Tarantino character. And then we would watch movies, play trivia, have themed snacks, etc.

Of course, there are some problems with this idea:
1) As cool as I think he is, I have to be realistic when I say the reference wouldn't catch quickly with everyone.
2) You run the risk of having a large majority of vague Mr. from Resevoir Dogs, Brides and Mia Wallaces. (Although, even with that, many would probably not know the character name, and would just say they came dressed as Uma Thurman.)

Random List: Celebrities I Have A Strange Fascination With:
1.) Quentin Tarantino
2.) Patton Oswalt
3.) Neil Patrick Harris
4.) Wayne Newton
5.) Steve Buschemi

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