Wednesday, January 7, 2009

cats in space.

You know how its great when somebody just gets you?  In everything I've ever done, through college and grad school and everything in between, I've met lots and lots of wonderful people.  But the greatest concentration of people who really "get" me still exists and is connected with the North Dakota Governor's School.  

When I attended GS, my life changed.  I don't mean to sound over the top about it -- its just plain true.

I was thinking about this the other day (probably because I work in a middle school, and friendships are so tenuous):  the people I was friends with growing up, weren't really people I liked or even had much in common with.  Its harsh but true.  We were friends because, well, who else were we going to be friends with?  Growing up around the same people, who expect you to be a certain way can be really stifling.  (Thats the kindest language I can think of to address this, I'm trying to be diplomatic.)

Then, during the summer after junior year, I went to NDGS to study science for 6 weeks.  I learned a few things about myself:  that I'm an extrovert, that I love being happy-go-lucky and laughing, and that I adore supporting people and listening.  All of this seems common knowledge 7 years later, but it didn't used to be.  Indeed, no one I went to high school with would describe me in those words.

When I went to GS, I met my soulmates, people who were interested in the same things as me, and laughed at the same things as me.  I had experienced that before briefly with one or two people, but never from so many, and for an extended period of time.  It was something I had always wanted, but had never really believed could happen.

Flash forward a few years, I decide to give back and be on res. staff at NDGS for 5 summers.  Some were better than others, but one thing remained the same:  the people.   The res. staff at NDGS is usually made up of at least 85% alumni; its people who are dedicated to the program, who love what it stands for, and (as a bonus) view the world in the same way.

I might have closer bonds and share more secrets with other people in my life, but there is nothing that can compare to spending an evening with Nate, Joel, Katie, Joseph, and David.  Its definitely something to experience and witness, and something my other friends try to understand, but ulitmately don't.  The weekend I came back from Virgina,  Joel, Katie, Joseph & I went to Buffalo Wild Wings.  While I don't remember the exact conversation, I think we talked for close to an hour about the idea of making a series of youtube videos centered around unobjective observations of situations.

The ideas got more ludicrous the longer we talked about it, but the initial idea involved a short glimpse of some mundane situation (i.e. getting in a car accident), and then the camera pulls back and Joel is standing on the sidelines.  He looks at the camera and says completely deadpan "Car crash,"  and the video ends.  I wish I remembered more of the ideas, I really do.  We probably had 15-20 "episodes" discussed, and we were very entertained by the whole business.

I feel like I'm not explaining myself very well.....moving on....

So, as I was saying, isn't it just wonderful when somebody just gets you?  Its even better when you forget that this ability exists in them, and they surprise you out of nowhere.  

Without further ado, I'd just like to say that my friend Joe really gets me.  Why?  Because he posted the following link on my facebook wall.  Enjoy. ♥

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