Thursday, January 15, 2009


I just spent the day doing nothing.

About 24 hours ago, I received a call from the person ahead of me on the work phone-tree.  The school day delayed 2 hours, in response to the cold.  I stayed up way too late for a school night, and set my alarm for 8 a.m.

At 7:14 a.m. the phone rang again.  School cancelled for the day. Wahoo!

In a way, I understand it; this is the coldest weather the Twin Cities has seen in 5 years.  On the other hand, the (more northern) school districts I grew up in usually hold school in this weather.  If school was always cancelled when weather got like this, we would never have school.

My favorite part of this whole situation is it was much colder in Fargo today, but some schools weren't even on a delayed schedule.  Business as usual. :)

In fact, I remember January of 2005, before I left for Greece was *much* colder than this in Fargo and I walked to class outside without blinking an eye.  Because my eyes were frozen.  Just kidding.  They weren't frozen, they were just cold. 

Have you ever had cold eyeballs? Its a wierd feeling.

I had more written after this, but it was rambly and boring.  So I deleted it. 

Anybody wanna visit me in Minnesota?  Its warming up on Saturday. :)

1 comment:

Jennifer Renee said...

my sister said school was closed in VA today...I guess it's cold everywhere! :)
but seriously I've NEVER heard of a VA school closing for cold weather!?
what is going on! :P

in FL on the other hand...people are wearing coats and covering their plants...the chill of Nov has returned after a very warm month surrounding the holidays :P